
TOMUN 2025

Anche quest’anno il Monti ha partecipato all’edizione annuale del TOMUN, organizzata dalla International School of Turin.

Utente Redazione

da Redazione



Tredici nostri studenti si sono cimentati per tre giorni nei comitati ECOSOC (economico-sociale), WHO (Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità), FAO (organizzazione per l’alimentazione e l’agricoltura) e Special Political per discutere e trovare soluzioni a problemi quanto mai attuali:

Implementing strengthened coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance. Fostering the responsible use of digital technologies to enhance their influence on social development and the well-being of all.

Tackling reasons for child malnutrition both undernourishment and obesity. Responsibly preventing and managing the spread of Monkeypox, in preparation for a possible pandemic outburst.

Promoting effective responses to climate shocks with a specific focus on agricultural production. Ensuring the accessibility of adequate supplies of food for civilian populations in conflict zones.

Implementing measures to promote Denuclearisation and De-escalation in the Iran-Israel Conflict. Improving study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories

Ci congratuliamo con tutti gli studenti che hanno seguito il corso di preparazione con grande serietà e hanno partecipato in modo attivo e costruttivo per trovare soluzioni ai problemi proposti.

In particolare, ci complimentiamo con Beatrice Battaglino, Letizia Ricci (WHO) e Federica Lupo per la menzione d’onore; Anna Bozzi (WHO) per il premio come Best Delegate e Irene Tardito (FAO) per il premio come Best first-time Delegate.
Come sempre ringraziamo la IST, in particolare Elaine Walker, Clara Siviero e Marita Bellone per l’efficienza organizzativa e la disponibilità dimostrata.

Infine, alcuni commenti a caldo da parte dei protagonisti:

“When I arrived on the first day I was a bit scared: it was my first time at TOMUN and I didn’t want to make any mistakes. However, when we started debating I became more confident and I really enjoyed the experience. I understood that in the end the most important thing is to proudly represent your country, to let yourself go and, most of all, to have fun.
I made new friends and learnt new things. I’m very happy and I want to thank my teachers for allowing me to do this experience.  I wish I could do it again!”
(E. Petruzzi)

“My Tomun experience was extraordinary. I was really passionate about the topics discussed in my committee; I’ve also received an honourable mention, I am so happy about it! Finally, I loved it because it made me understand that I would like to study International Relations at university.”
(F. Lupo)

“My experience with Tomun has been honestly surprisingly amusing.  During the lessons and while doing my homework I was feeling a little anxious about my abilities and I was starting to feel a little bit unsure about my English but than, at the conference, I got to know some really nice people and I ended up feeling more confident speaking in public than I ever thought I would be, even though I recognise I still need to work on it.  Anyway, it was a really nice experience and I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone because I feel like it really made me grow as a person even and mostly for its ups and downs.”
(A. Pellegrini)


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